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Partnership with SATS HK Limited 與新翔(香港)的合作關係 与新翔(香港)的合作关系

SATS HK understands the business needs of our customers. We offer the most complete solutions even for the most complex and customized requirements. Throughout the years of servicing international carriers, our staff are well versed and experienced in handling different aircraft types and departure control systems. We always strive our best efforts in providing seamless services to our customers.新翔(香港)了解客戶的業務需求。即使是最複雜和人性化的要求,我們也能提供完整的解決方案。憑藉多年為國際性航空公司提供服務的經驗,新翔(香港)的員工經驗豐富, 精通處理各種不同的飛機類型以及離港控制系統。在新翔(香港)工作的每一位員工都積極為客戶提供無縫旅程服務。新翔(香港)了解客户的业务需求。即使是最复杂和人性化的要求,我们也能提供完整的解决方案。凭借多年为国际性航空公司提供服务的经验,新翔(香港)的员工经验丰富, 精通处理各种不同的飞机类型以及离港控制系统。在新翔(香港)工作的每一位员工都积极为客户提供无缝旅程服务。


Our dedicated teams in managing ground operations, namely passenger and ramp services, basement, safety and audit. SATS HK has a well-developed “Quality Assurance System” with the inclusion of Safety Management System and Business Continuity Plan for ensuring the safety and services standards are met without failure. Safety is our top priority and this is communicated to every level through various training, campaigns and activities. We give more than you may expect – an one-stop solution including freighter ramp and cargo handling such that our customers can enjoy greater benefits and synergies. 

SATS HK Limited is your choice for safe and effective operations. Please feel free to contact us for further information.

Julia Suen (Ms.)
Director, Commercial Department

Fax: +(852) 3902 9001